social revolt 18 oct.
I love this picture
Today is the second anniversary of the social explosion-revolt in chile since October 18/19, which marked forever the lives of those of us who lived through this critical moment.
Remembering back, nobody imagined the social outburst, but there were already signs that it could be real. And when I look at this photograph I think that there was still no fear of what was to come months later (abuses, shots in the eyes, human rights violations). I took this picture on october 19 or 20, i don't remember well, since the days seemed the same; the streets of Alameda were full and the people were mobilized.
This photograph shows Vicuña Mackenna street in a barricade intervention, the fire was so intense that i could not get too close, i remember that people were dancing and shouting all around, they were climbing in hidden places to raise their voices.
This photograph generates a lot of feelings in me, i wonder how much has really changed after all. Injustice continues and people are afraid, but there is also a sense of hope that all is not lost and that this society is becoming more political and informed again.
And I also feel that we will win, and it will be beautiful.
a day to remember forever!it gave us hope that chile can change.